CIP verification


Staff member
Doing the yearly updates for everything, figured it would be a good opportunity to verify CIP rates. List below is what the official doc states, if you are at/recently at a fac and it doesn't show as verified (colored green), would you please post/pm that the rate is correct/incorrect. thanks
EDIT: Not a thread for personal opinions/comments.

A90: legacy only,
ACK: 0.08, - 0.10
ACY: 0.017,
ADS: 0.02,
ADW: 0.059,
APA: 0.029,
APC: 0.1,
ARB: 0.053,
ARR: 0.063,
ASE: 0.08,
BDL: 0.057,
BED: 0.1,
BFI: 0.057,
BJC: 0.036,
BOS: 0.075,
BUR: 0.1,
BWI: 0.017,
C90: 0.08,
CCR: 0.1,
CDW: 0.1,
CMA: 0.085,
CNO: 0.02,
CRQ: 0.071,
D01: 0.032,
D21: 0.024,
DAL: 0.025,
DCA: 0.033,
DEN: 0.032,
DPA: 0.056,
DTW: 0.024,
EMT: 0.1,
EWR: 0.084,
FAI: 0.08,
FCM: 0.056,
FRG: 0.1,
GCN: 0.08,
GRR: 0.011,
HEF: 0.066,
HIO: 0.015,
HPN: 0.1,
HWD: 0.1,
IAD: 0.046,
ISP: 0.1,
JFK: 0.1,
K90: 0.073, facility doesn't exist
LAN: 0.011,
LAX: 0.081,
LGA: 0.1,
LGB: 0.1,
LVK: 0.1,
M98: 0.042,
MDW: 0.08,
MIC: 0.056,
MKE: 0.023,
MMU: 0.067,
MRY: 0.1,
MSN: 0.007,
MSP: 0.042,
MYF: 0.072,
N90: 0.1,
NCT: 0.032,
OAK: 0.1,
OGG: 0.037,
ONT: 0.022,
ORD: 0.1,
P80: 0.009,
PAE: 0.031,
PAO: 0.1,
PCT: 0.046,
PDX: 0.009,
PHL: 0.031,
PNE: 0.064,
POC: 0.1,
POU: 0.028,
PSP: 0.036,
PTK: 0.02,
PVD: 0.056,
PWK: 0.1,
PWM: 0.015,
RHV: 0.1,
RNO: 0.014,
ROC: 0.019,
S46: 0.07,
SAN: 0.07,
SBA: 0.1,
SCK: 0.014,
SCT: 0.074,
SEA: 0.07,
SEE: 0.071,
SFO: 0.1,
SJC: 0.1,
SJU: 0.04,
SMF: 0.035,
SMO: 0.1,
SNA: 0.068,
STP: 0.033,
STS: 0.1,
TEB: 0.1,
TMB: 0.036,
TOA: 0.1,
TUS: 0.017,
U90: 0.014,
VNY: 0.1,
Y90: 0.046,
YIP: 0.04,
ZAU: 0.051,
ZDC: 0.046,
ZMA: 0.018,
ZNY: 0.1,
ZOA: 0.1,
ZSE: 0.031,
ZSU: 0.031,
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