ATM Ranking List

ATM Ranking Lists February Q2 2024

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Is that list only for facilities that could gain? Or did no one apply to one’s not listed?
Some usa jobs postings tell you how many applicants have applied. I’m kinda surprised (but not really) the atc jobs don’t have that count.
You can always reach out to the HR PoC from that bid and ask about how many applicants applied and for feedback on your package. The panels score your KSAs and experience so it’s a way to refine your application for the next round if you weren’t selected.
[serious] anyone know what the manager comments are/what sort of information they contains?
Usually it just says “not qualified” or “not sufficient experience” in reference to people applying from low level facilities. Few if any ATMs would have the balls to write anything other then that.
It’s two fold. Only facilities that could pick up are listed. Individuals are only ranked if the facilities they applied from can release.
Correct. I wasn’t even on the PCT list this time even though I was ranked high last NCEPT cuz GSO is in the tank with staffing.
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