Software Upgrade


Staff member
pointSixtyFive is just about to turn two years old! It's grown up over the last couple years and tomorrow (err... tonight) will be the next stage of that development.

The software upgrade is scheduled for tonight (4/20), later in the evening. The site will be unavailable for several hours.

Most functionality is preserved, however there may be some small changes. The most significant change is an improved search database. The site currently has about 400 resources, 1,000 threads, 20,000 posts from the 10,000 unique users a month. The improved search will help dig through it all to find what you're looking for.

It's a major upgrade behind the scenes, but appearance wise, the layout is similar. The navigation is more intuitive and cleaner looking, and the changes will be especially noticeable on mobile.

And of course the most important change of the whole update... emoji support -.-

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