CPC-IT Reinstatement, Immediately ERR

:) the golden pasture boys: You never have to train anyone, spot leave available, and hey to top it all off you have federal holiday leave (especially if you hate seeing the front office take an early shove). I think this year alone I probably did about 10-12 interviews with 5 TOL's.
Preach. Yall enjoy that holiday pay I'll be drinking beers on the boat.
Back when USAjobs.com had more than just management along with N90 and C90 CPC jobs available, I got picked up on a CPC bid to a level 9 while a CPC-IT at a level 11. My facility before that was a level 5 and I got to keep my half on the go from the level 11 when I got to the level 9. Once again it was a bid on USAJOBS.COM right before NCEPT, around early 2015. But it wasn't hard at all. But it was also a facility not a lot of people want to be at. Somewhere undesirable is probably your best bet

You could try. I can tell you where I've been as soon as you put that paperwork in expect your training to get terminated before the next panel but that's just how we do. Might work, definitely fucks over your facility. Let us know!
NATCA and management at your facility would team up like that to terminate someone's training that did that? That's sounds crazy unreasonable and honestly unrealistic. Don't let them be a female or minority, that's an EEO real quick

CPCITs are considered after CPCs. Devs are case by case. They both usually just get denied.
It's not that they are "denied." Just too many CPCs for there to be any room left for CPC-ITs and Devs. Unless you are at a high staffed facility no one is trying to leave and you put in for a facility like ZNY with a million positions available. It's possible, just not likely
It's not that they are "denied." Just too many CPCs for there to be any room left for CPC-ITs and Devs. Unless you are at a high staffed facility no one is trying to leave and you put in for a facility like ZNY with a million positions available. It's possible, just not likely
This is often true but theres been plenty of panels where there was still ‘room’ left over for losses and they still didn’t get approved
Room for losses "and" room for gains to the desired facility? And still don't get approved?
Correct. A42 is merely a request for reassignment. And it would be tough to justify moving a trainee when there’s 2000 CPCs waiting in line
Correct. A42 is merely a request for reassignment. And it would be tough to justify moving a trainee when there’s 2000 CPCs waiting in line
I totally get it with a Dev. I would think a CPC-IT if lucky enough to have the loss and gain numbers work out in their favor would be allowed though.
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